Friday, March 4, 2016

WEEK 10 William Chan- Viet Nam Solutions

In both article's, my interpretation I got is that Viet Nam can create sustainability and can reserve a lot of money if Viet Nam was to slow down and cut back on energy use. In the article, Toward sustainable coffee production in Vietnam: More coffee with less water, by Upali A. Amarasinghe a, *, Chu Thai Hoanh a , Dave D’haeze b , Tran Quoc Hung, they spoke about how coffee is the 2nd largest crop to be exported and Viet Nam is the 2nd highest producer of coffee. This alone is very important to Viet Nam's national aesthetic and only if they were to reduce the water use, it would actually increase the yield. The authors had a great 4 step process to making action for Viet Nam. I also believe if they were to open a center where it cleaned and purified used water into reusable water it would be very helpful to the authors ideas. There can be a way that the irrigation system can be set up and linked directly from the coffee fields to the purification system and run that in a cycle where it waters the plants with reusable, purified, clean water.
In the article, Potential of Low-Carbon Development in Vietnam, from Practices to Legal Framework, by Nguyen Tung Lam, my interpretation I got was that green house gases need to be considered and needs to be lowered. My idea would be to use solar panels and create this into more sustainable uses. The solar panels would receive the energy straight from the sun which would reduce the use of energy that creates carbon. If the government or regulators would consider the use of solar panels, then it would reduce the energy consumption from gases, oils, fuels, and creating less green house gases to worry about. Both of the articles consider different ways to recreate Viet Nam in the long run, and it envisions that Viet Nam has the potential to skyrocket in terms of reserving energy and money, which can ultimately help the country of Viet Nam financially, economically, and the well-being and health of the people.

Question: What outside sources or outside countries would be willing to help fund or collaborate with Viet Nam to help them succeed in lowering their energy usage and increasing their entire countries well-being without exploitation?

Works cited:

Nguyen Tung Lam. “Potential of Low­Carbon Development in Vietnam, from Practices to Legal  Framework.”

 Upali A. Amarasinghe, Chu Thai Hoanh, Dave D’haeze, and Tran Quoc Hung, “Toward  Sustainable Coffee Production in Vietnam: More Coffee with Less Water.”

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