Saturday, March 5, 2016

Kevin Lee- Week 10 Blog Post

            Coffee is an important product in Vietnam because Vietnamese coffee defines Vietnam’s national aesthetic. Upali A. Amarasinghe, Chu Thai Hoanh, Dave D’haeze, and Tran Quoc Hung’s article, “Toward sustainable coffee production in Vietnam: More coffee with less water,” talks about the importance of irrigation water to the process of growing coffee beans. Second to Brazil, Vietnam is one of the largest coffee producers and exporters in the world; the production of coffee is important to the growth of their country and their economy. This paper mentions the importance of managing water so that the right amount of water goes towards to what really needs the water. The paper mentions that Vietnamese farmers have wasted a decent amount of water watering other crops, such as cherries, which in turn has harmed their coffee production because the amount of water used for coffee production is far less than what is needed. This paper strives to improve water management so that coffee production will continue to strive and to be the national aesthetic of Vietnam. If Vietnam wishes to keep their national aesthetic, they should stick to what is really important to them and stop wasting the limited resources they have. If Vietnam were to follow the findings of this study, their coffee production and exportation would skyrocket, and they would be able to keep their national aesthetic as being the second largest coffee producer in the world, or become the top coffee producer with the strategies found in this study. Vietnam has much more work to do in order to keep their national image, as well as working on their resource-wasting problem.

Question: For what reason would Vietnam prioritize the use of water for the production of other crops over coffee production?
If Vietnam really did care about their national aesthetic, why would they waste resources on products that don’t contribute to their national aesthetic?

Work Cited:
Amarasinghe, Upali A., Chu Thai Hoanh, Dave D'haeze, and Tran Quoc Hung. "Toward Sustainable Coffee Production in Vietnam: More Coffee with Less Water." Agricultural Systems 136 (2015): 96-105. Web. 3 Mar. 2016.

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