Saturday, March 11, 2017

Week 10- Patricia De Perio

A strong government with good governance is an important key factor for a successful nation branding. What seems to make a difference when establishing an image of a country is when they become dedicated to developing new ideas, policies, laws, products, services, companies, etc. when innovations prove some truths about a country then that country's reputation starts to move especially it is when people starts changing their mind. Overall having a good framework will make it easier for a country for development and citizens are more likely to oblige and support the state stem. Citizens are important as well because they are the ones that create a specific culture that represent a country. For example, With the introduction of market reforms Vietnam enjoyed two decades of vent for surplus growth, mobilizing underutilized land and labour increase. Richard Donner argued  that the failure of domestic political institutions to achieve and sustain a consistent policy framework is due to powerful individuals within and outside of government have the capacity to frustrate efforts to place national goals above particularistic aims (Pincushion 47).

Question: What kind of soft power Vietnam uses to change its national branding around the world? 

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