Friday, December 15, 2017

Nina Huang- Final Blog

If I had the opportunity to do over my project, I would researched different startups that are already in the market so that it could give me a better idea on what a startup is. Then I would have tried harder on thinking about what country, nation, or city I would want to brand and look at what startups are already there. Even though we had sample presentations from past students, I was still confused on what a startup is and how to rebrand a nation. My group mates and I had some ideas on what we may do, but most of the ideas did not fit into the assignment requirements or did not work as a startup. We just took the easier route to sticking with our original idea and changing it to fit the assignment since we wanted to be done with the assignments that were due each week. If we talked about our ideas more and have it confirmed earlier that our idea is good and works in this project, we would not have to redo the first two assignments.

Besides that, I would have tried harder on the group project assignments if I knew what we need to have in each assignments. Most of the assignments did not have specific guidelines, so we did do much research and just tried to answer the prompt with our ideas alone. For some reason, I thought we had to put all the assignments into an essay format for the last assignment so that I thought that is when we would edit our answers and cite the sources from assignment two. As a result, I thought we answered the questions well and would get a good grade on each assignments. I now know that we need to cite outsides sources after the second assessment so that we would have other information to support our arguments. Moreover, if we communicated better and divided the assignment equally, each person would have done equal amounts of work for each week. That way, each of us would know exactly what we have to do to finish the weekly assignments and how to answer the prompts better. It would also help us generate more ideas and make us put more effort on each assignments.

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