Monday, November 13, 2017

Week 8 Bin Xiao

  Looking at the case of Costa Rica, it can be observed that it was able to remake itself into the world class ecotourism destination, through the collaboration of many sectors such as the public, private and tertiary (Jones and Spadafora 1). This is because without collaborations with the small entrepreneurs, then the country will not be able to advertise itself, regardless of the government’s efforts of conserving the environment and maintaining its rich culture. Through collaboration with entrepreneurs, they will be able to make connections with international businesses. Hence, they will cause people from those countries to be interested in going to the places where their country men and women have taken their business (Jones and Spadafora 4). This will create awareness of the countries rich culture, hotels, eco-systems and businesses. I believe that in order to achieve maximum national aesthetic status the people need to conserve their environment and culture. By doing this, the country will be able to preserve its unique qualities that make them stand out from the rest of the world. Hence, one can be able to understand how the country is able to maintain its successful wealth in ecotourism as observed in the picture below [Costa Rica]. In the picture, the ecosystem is preserved, but it contains unique hotels that arouse a person curiosity to visit the place (Harris).
  From the reading, I was able to learn that the most valuable aspect of Costa Rica is its ecosystem. Hence, it is ranked as the best ecotourism destination in the world. I would brand this inherent value as a natural resource. This is because its value comes from the environment (Jones and Spadafora 1). However, when this brand is not preserved dire consequences will occur that threatens to ruin the economy of the country and the environment. Therefore, the precaution measurement will be to spread the notion of eco-development and park-based conservation.

According to the book, I learned that these notions were educated by the foreign investors from America, who helped people to understand the importance of conservation (Jones and Spadafora 8). Thereby, the people learned about the different ways of conserving the environment through the use of biodiversity chemicals that enhanced the growth of the plantations. However, through the research conducted by Polidoro and Morra in 2016, it showed that the chemicals used were destroying the environment more than fixing it (5983). This is because the pesticides [Terbufos and chorpyrifos] used to produce quality plantations and bananas are proven to contain chemicals that destroy the environment and kill animals such as fish. This aspect of the findings has been observed in the news as the residents living along the southeastern coast of Costa Rica complained about the decline of fish in the country (Polidoro and Morra 5983). These people, as well as the foreign investors heavily, rely on fish production as observed from the YouTube video [] (Noble). Therefore, through their findings, a person learns that the methods used to conserve the environment and enhance the production of the plantation are extreme because its chemicals are more harmful than helpful. However, these books still leave more questions unanswered. An example is what is the true importance of eco-tourism in the environment?  

Harris, Mark Edward. Riches of ecotourism in Costa Rica. 13 Oct 2016.
Jones, Geoffrey and Spadafora Andrew. Entrepreneurs and the Co-Creation of Ecotourism in Costa Rica. Harvad Press, 2016, 1-41. Print
Polidoro, Beth A and Morra Mathew J. An ecological risk assessment of pesticides and fish kills in the Sixaola watershed, Costa Rica. Springer, 2016, 5983-5991. Print
Noble, Melissa E. Fish farm in the Monte Verde region in Costa Rica. 30 Dec 2016.

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