Sunday, January 15, 2017

Michelle Wang: Blog #2

Korea was able to remake itself into a more democratic and stronger nation because of government, industry, and people. In addition, Korea was able to remake itself into a stronger nation and economy with government funding invested in pop culture and entertainment industry. Joo discusses that Korea’s nationalism connects back to its pop culture and the role of nationalism can shape how nations perceive cultural and global experiences (499). Korea immerses cultural and global perspectives. Pop culture is available in global markets and Korean films compete with European and American films. This is because Korea focuses more on foreign cultures and the needs of other nations. By focusing on foreign cultures, the Korean government plans to develop tourism after western theme parks in order to create an enriched nation. Joo states that Korea focused on growth in creating cultural, tourism, and IT industries (499). With this, Korea will be more open and modernized with a stable economy and job market. Yim states that Korea was able to rise into a highly culturalized nation because culture and arts were important in government policy (39). This ties back to the government’s role in creating laws and funding. The arts and culture allow Korea to develop itself into a modernized nation with a better economy and bringing creative individuals and tourism in Korea. I believe it is important for Korea to focus on its GDP and provide opportunities to all citizens, build infrastructures, and renovate areas in order to maximize national aesthetics. I would prefer a democratic government with the government, industry, and people working together in order to rebrand a nation. In addition, rebranding a nation is transitioning to a global market. Global culture focuses on capitalism and a more free market. Tourism is under the capitalist model. On the other hand, a framework without capitalism can lead to socialism and authoritarian regime and there cannot be tourism industries, global ventures, and capital expenditure source as there are strict measures. For example, Chen, Lee, Lee, Yang, discusses that industries and producers created a positive image for Taiwan with tourism (6765). The Taiwanese government and industries work to rebrand the nation with tourism. Globalism helps redefine and rebrand nations. It helps improve a nation’s economy and development and OECD countries like Taiwan are more democratice and developed. 

Image Citation: Number of Views of K-pop Videos on Youtube . 2011 . JoongAng Ilbo, n.p.

Question: Do you think cultures or individuals have a greater role in influencing a country’s policy?

Chen , Chun An , Hsien Li Lee, Ming Huang Lee, and Ya Hui Yang. How to develop Taiwan's tourism nation brand. African Journal of Business Management, 4 May 2011 . Web. 14 Jan. 2017. <>.

Joo, Jeongsuk. "Transnationalization of Korean Popular Culture and the Rise of ‘‘Pop Nationalism’’ in Korea." Journal of Popular Culture 44.3 (n.d.): 489-504. Blackwell Publishing Inc. , 2 June 2011. Web. 14 Jan. 2017. <>.

Yim , Haksoon . "Cultural Identity and cultural policy in South Korea." International Journal of Cultural Policy 8 (2002): 37-42. Korea Culture and Contents Agency , 17 Sept. 2010. Web. 14 Jan. 2017.

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