Saturday, January 21, 2017

Week 3 - Angela Oh

When people think France, they think style, fashion, art, and champagne. This is a result of the major successful rebranding of the state dating back to the 17th century. Much of it can be attributed to Colbert, the Minister of Finances of France from 1665 to 1683. During his ministry, France was beginning to feel the tensions of competition with countries like Holland and England. In an effort of pushback, he implemented plans that established new expectations and standards of industry. The arts, for example, flourished with new foundations and subsidies. The rebranding focused on activities designed to foster private industry manufacturing for the general market. Not only was there a focus on the fine arts, but Colbert also stressed the improvement of applied science. Subsidies and strong, organized state efforts gave life to the image of France held internationally today. Additionally, the state was brought into play to establish new industries that could replace the imports of other nations in order to be more independent. 

Colbert and the Royal Academy of Sciences,_Henri_-_Colbert_Presenting_the_Members_of_the_Royal_Academy_of_Sciences_to_Louis_XIV_in_1667.jpg

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