Saturday, January 9, 2016

Week 2 - Colbert and the French Refinement -- Ralph Imatong

Colbert was one of the geniuses behind the French refinement. He recognized that the government, industry, and the people need to work together to achieve a successful re-branding of France. Colbert observed that any individual in the society can contribute to the desired change. He knows that the concept of individualism and collectivism depends on the context of its time. For example, he was able to exploit collectivism to the French when he recognized that there has been a heightened sensitivity to competition against England and Holland. Because of this, he employed measures and regulations to control arts, science, and industries. These measure led to the improved craftsmanship of the French people in arts, science, architecture, and engineering so that the French could create great building programs for the King. Colbert's policies were very strict and required discipline among the people. Because of this, "the luxury and art of Italy were to be surpased in every respect by French artists and workmen trained systematically under the most rigorous criticism and discipline" (Usher, 238).

When I read this article by Abbott Payson Usher, and learned about the leadership of Colbert, I immediately pictured a presidential candidate in the Philippines name Rodrigo Duterte. Like Colbert, he wants to re-brand the Philippines. He wants to reinforce discipline among the Filipinos and essentially, make the Filipinos recognize the law. I think that this is a first step in rebranding the Philippines. Duterte has been a public servant for 20 years, serving as prosecutor, congressman, and mayor of Davao City. In his leadership he has branded Davao as one of the safest place to live in the world. Indeed, people who buy products in the store can get their change by themselves with complete trust of the vendor that the buyer will not cheat. This is because the people in Davao City recognizes the law and that is one of the factors why the city is safe. Today, he is running for higher office in the Philippines. Duterte is cunning and observant like Colbert and recognizes that for a change on a national scale will be successful only when the individual contributes its share. I think that if he becomes the new president of the Philippines, he will be able to start a branding process wherein the result will be compared to that of Korea. 

Rodrigo Duterte: a possible new beginning for Philippine rebranding. I wanted to post an interview, but the video is not working. Link is below. 

Works Cited 

Usher, Abbott Payson. "Colbert and Governmental Control of Industry in Seventeenth Century France." The Review of Economics and Statistics (1934): 237. Print.

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