Friday, February 3, 2017

Week 5 - Shannon Trinh

Our startup’s goal is to build a functional mobile application that serves the overworked and stressed youth in the Silicon Valley. We are tackling problems such as the lack of recognition of resources that are allocated towards improving physical, emotional, and well-being, and the lack of importance many deem these things to be. Our app will not only provide and push resources that are most popularly used in the U.S. (individual therapy and counseling), but will also give a plethora of options of consider when it comes to take caring of oneself. (acupuncture, dieting/exercising programs, yoga, meditation, group therapy, empowering literature).

This week’s reading “The Rise and Decline of Danish Modern Furniture” makes a good point regarding catering to the individual. The author states, “The consumer’s decision to buy a certain piece of furniture, such as a chair, depends not only on the chair’s physical function and appearance but also on current fashion, the individual’s own taste, and his or her need to signal possession of a distinctive lifestyle.” A product not only needs to be impressive in terms of functionality and feasibility, but it is important to also be useful and resonate with the individual who is using it. It should be able to be a positive and healthy integration of one’s lifestyle. For domestic consumption, we are making it easier for consumers to find an ideal match for a counselor/therapist by providing the professional’s education/occupational history, background check, and specialties. This caters to the big need of the domestic population. Thinking of the international scale, we were aware that this was not the only way of self-care and treatment. Our app will generate a narrative and an idea that there are so many ways to better one’s physical, emotional, and mental state. We are trying to tell the people of the world that it’s okay if treatments like counseling and therapy aren’t for them, as these types of approaches are normalized among certain cultural practices and mentalities. It will also promote a message of openness towards new ideas, innovations, and technologies. At the same time, we think that it will be a good idea to promote our application in a more open-minded and open-hearted way towards the domestic population as well, as this can promote new and unique experiences for self-care. 

Question: What are the major challenges/obstacles of nationally promoting a start-up? 

 Per H. Hansen. “Networks, Narratives, and New Markets: The Rise and Decline of Danish Modern Furniture.”

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