Monday, November 6, 2017

Week 7 -- Nancy Bui

Blog Question:
What sacrifices does a government need to make in order to ensure the development of their country.

Development of a country/nation can and tends to come at the cost of the livelihood of the impoverished folks. In Botswana's case, their growth and development was "fueled by minerals, particularly diamonds." When a natural resource is utilized as the main primary source, it can potentially lead towards "corruption, rent seeking, or corruption." In this case, the government was mindful of these possible outcomes and reassured "respect for property rights and the rule of law."

The government sacrifices this idea of potential booming profit and must values the people. The government must recognize it's positionality and remain grounded in remembering the "important of the preindependence colonial regime in determining the adoption of these institutions after independence." In hindsight, the government must continue to resists this active participation in the capitalistic global economy.

Image result for tourism

Quesition: Is the idea of withdrawing from the global economy and not participating in captialism drasitically hindering to every single nation?

Lewin, Michael. “Botswana’s Success: Good Governance, Good Policies, and Good Luck.” Pp. 81-90.

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