Monday, November 20, 2017

Week 9-Kristina Ou

Many countries will lie and promote untruths so that they will not be seen in a bad light so that they can be successful and prosperous. For Vietnam, Agent Orange was a chemically used to kill off crops and poison the land in the area. This affected the people living in the areas as well as the generations after which caused birth defects and medical disabilities. The US tried to cover this act up by questioning the evidence that was presented saying that there may not be real evidence. This affected the nation branding of how Vietnam was seen and affected their lives/futures. The US also did not account for the actual Vietnamese citizens living in the land but only the Vietnamese Americans and the veterans. They only provided benefits for the people falling within those categories. Since this tactic was an illegal move, they tried to hide what they did.

In terms of our project, we’re focusing on local businesses and how they are pushed aside by big companies. This relates completely with what we are trying to make as the app because big corporations will do anything to become successful including buying out small businesses for rent. They may also try to ruin small businesses and lie about what they are doing so that they could take over the shops as well. Big corporations may also lie about the ingredients that they use in their foods and supplies because they mass produce many of the goods. 

Question: Why is there not as much focus on trying to uncover the truths of these nations?


Palmer, Michael G. "The legacy of agent orange: empirical evidence from central Vietnam." Social Science & Medicine

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