Saturday, February 20, 2016

Pedro Navarro- Week 8

Why hasn’t Viet Nam grown at a faster pace? To this question, there are multiple possible answers. That said, I believe there is no question Viet Nam continues to feel the repercussions left behind by such a lengthy war, and considering Gurtov’s argument in The Trans-Pacific Partnership: A Deeply Flawed Partnership, The Trans- Pacific Partnership (TPP) will only further delay Viet Nam’s growth. In the paper, Gurtov argues that the TPP is just another policy designed by U.S. corporations created to benefit everyone but the “people.” Gustav explained, “ Instead of enhancing partnership with working people who need higher wages and job training, and with grassroots organizations that are fighting to protect our natural environments, the TPP only promotes the interests of trading and investment firms in the cutthroat competition that has come to define globalization” (1). Gustav further compared the TPP to the NAFTA, which pretty much ruined Mexico’s economy, as well as other Central and South American countries. In my opinion, Vietnam will continue to struggle within the TPP. While it is true that there will likely be more job opportunities, what are the costs of such opportunities? I believe Viet Nam will only achieve maximum national aesthetic status if it finds itself, meaning that it creates its image on its own.

Gurtov, Mel. “The Trans-Pacific Partnership: A Deeply Flawed Partnership.” Asian-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus, Vol. 13, Issue 20, No. 1. 13 May. 2015. Web. 19 Feb. 2016.


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