Saturday, February 20, 2016

Week 8 - William Chan - Viet Nam (TPP)

The Trans-Pacific Partnership is a group that is trying to have their own organization to run the world. Basically, they are trying to have their own organization that has power to override laws, make trade agreements without anyone else knowing (publicly and globally, on a government level), as well as creating a monopoly on trades (imports and exports). The TPP is creating an unfair balance in the political world by being able to create rules that national and global governments cant even have affairs with. It says that in the article, The Trans-Pacific Partnership: A Deeply Flawed Partnership, by Mel Gurtov, says how the TPP is pushing to 'create job opportunities', but really they are creating more low-waged jobs over seas in places like Asia. The TPP is promoting 'more jobs', but are really creating sweat shops, finding new ways to by-pass humanistic laws for fair hours and wages for workers, as well as maximizing profits for the exploitation of people who are already living in very poor and deprived conditions.  The way they are pushing their campaign is obviously 'flawed' because they haven't even said all the rules they will abide by and they have already been caught for attempting to support under-waged paying jobs and sweatshops. The TPP favors profit and money over human rights and moral treatment of people.

What are the ways people have been fighting the TPP and preventing the collaboration of the organization?

Works Cited:

Mel Gurtov. “The Trans­Pacific Partnership: A Deeply Flawed Partnership."

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