Sunday, October 1, 2017

Week 1 & 2- Kristina Ou

Week 1:
Nation Branding can alter how people perceive a country or nation by portraying images that they want their country to represent. For example, a country with positive nation branding is Japan with its rich culture and advancement in technology. Through their production of media as well, such as their pop culture, they have attracted a large amount of interest towards their country. They have also recently been chosen to host the 2020 Olympics which will also help with the popularity and nation branding of their country by bringing people from around the world to experience their culture and lifestyle. Nation branding can have a huge effect on the country, which also means that it can negatively impact a country. As we have mentioned in class, Japan used to be an unpopular place for tourists. The citizens of Japan would avoid tourists and talk down to them when they would try to interact with the people. When this information spread, many tourists would avoid going to Japan because they did not want to be mistreated especially when on vacation. Even though Japan has become more welcome with foreigners, the perception that Japan is not a desired place to visit is still there.

Question: How can a nation completely detach itself from a negative branding when it has affected the perspective of the country so extremely?

Week 2:
I think that the culture and heritage aspect of the National Aesthetic model has made a huge influence on the South Korean development. It has become so popular that the government is also positively promoting this media because it has made such an impact on the country. In Korea itself, the teenagers look up to these Korean pop stars with almost an obsession and their dreams have shifted from becoming doctors and lawyers to Korean pop stars. This thinking has also spread internationally where it ranges from children to adults who have fallen for the Korean culture through the Korean dramas and Korean pop stars. The Korean dramas portray romantic stories that have captured many people’s attention. These Korean pop stars are also seemingly living lavish lifestyles after having ordinary lives turned upside down.

Question: What would Korea be like without the appeal of Korean dramas and Korean pop stars?

Oliver, Henry, et al. “Global Auckland: ATEED's Rebranding of Auckland.” Idealog, Henry Oliver, 14 Nov. 2016,

Sources: Revenue and Expenditure (2009–2011) and Budget Planning (2012–2013) of the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism, South Korea.

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