Sunday, October 8, 2017

Week 3 Kenrick Chiang

After upon reading the articles, both articles claim France to be of high luxury. In the 1600s it was described by Colbert that French art and luxury was expected to surpass Italian art, therefore every piece of art was given to the King in order to show off power and wealth. Because of the King’s desires for a luxurious life and determination to be different from the European nations, Colbert goes onto saying how France did not really have an imported goods. This can heavily impact their economy because there would be little to no trade. However, the factors of art and power are what helped shape France to what it is today. When we think of France today, we think of all of the culture that is involved with it such as art, food, and lifestyle. Because of the heavy influence of culture and way of life during the seventeenth century, it was easily carried over to present day France even after being remade. This could work with my country of interest because my country of interest is Taiwan due to my family originating from there. This idea of remodeling through traditions and values connects how Taiwan was built as a nation from the ground up. I want to see how different societies impacted the shaping of Taiwan similar to how France was able to give itself an image. In DeJean’s article, they claim that France was able to give something to the world besides fine dining and luxury, and that is a new way of life in daily activities. By choosing Taiwan, I want to see how they have influence our world today and explore how they were able to build themselves as a nation.
Question: Is nation branding only associated with how others see a nation? Is it just more than putting yourself on the map?

1 comment:

  1. Nation branding is often associated with the act of creating favorable images of countries through marketing communication. Thus, how others see the nation is important. However, it's also associated with how the citizen in the nation see their own country. For example, Japan is well-known for its friendliness and hospitality (omotenashi - in Japanese). You-a tourist- is warmly welcomed when visiting Japan. The people are polite and willing to help you - a guest - anytime. However, if you intend to live there as a permanent resident, it is not easy at all, because to most of Japanese, you are always outsider. Japanese people are always aware of the nation's image - a friendly country - so they behave in a friendly way.
    And yes, it's an action of bringing something to prominence, as it's kind of self-marketing to get benefits.
