Saturday, January 30, 2016

Tosha Hanford week 5

Tosha Hanford
Week 5
ASA 189
Professor Valverde

Media portrayals of a country can directly affect the image others in the world have of that country. One area of media portrayal is foreign policy in Kenya. A country of diplomacy, they are currently trying to promote peace within Kenya and areas in South Sudan. As quoted by President Kenyatta,  "It is in our interest that peace and stability is restored in your country and we will do everything we can to help on that agenda." Kenya has been a great promoter of tourism and has many things going for it regarding a global ideas of what Africa is or represent s in the minds of people around the world. This includes the infamous African Safari.
Another area Kenya has promoted is their culture. Visitors are attracted to the wide range of festivals, celebrating Swahili traditions. Similarities between Kenya and South Korea can be found in the promotion of culture for South Korea (as seen from the readings). A difference perhaps would be the South Korean steering away from Cultural globalization as a main reason for promotion their culture. And Kenya wanting to utilize its culture as a means to promote the image of the country for branding and tourism purposes. However pop nationalism does seem to be geared towards such promotion of culture assume as for branding and promoting the country itself. I wonder the perception and opinions of South Korean peoples from older and new generations regarding such changes in the country....
The organization responsible for Kenya's national aesthetic or branding is called Brand Kenya. They promote utilizing aspects of values and characters in and of Kenya in order to achieve Global recognition and the instillation of pride and patriotism in the people of Kenya. (Brand Kenya
They believe that every Kenyan person is responsible for portraying the values and ideas regarding the country.

Photograph by George Steinbetz

Sources cited:

"Why Kenya Is a Leading Brand in Africa." N.p., n.d. Web.

"National Branding and Country Values." Brand Kenya Board, n.d. Web.

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