Saturday, January 23, 2016

Week 4-Denmark by Ogee

Week 4-Denmark by Ogee

The rise of Danish furniture popularity came through decades of strategic marketing of the personal narratives being voiced by the Danish people and organizations. The people of Denmark, the furniture industry, and the government worked to have the furniture be personalized through all stages of the industry. The furniture craftsmen created the designs. The work was outsourced to provide a cheaper and less costly alternative. Through marketing each piece of furniture and design came with the idea of not only being a fashion statement but also something that the owner could use as a way to show their individuality. The status that came with the product became known, as Per Hanson points out, as Danish Modern.  The title symbolized the concept which the Danish utilized: the product means nothing without a story that it comes with and it gives. This marketing strategy and the partnership the furniture industry, the government, and the people had catapulted the Danish Modern furniture to the successful furniture market Denmark has now.
Similar to the Danish strategy, marketing in the current global economy follows the personalization strategy. Everywhere you go, no matter what brand or country the brand comes from the product design and selling strategy oozed personalization. Nike boast the fit lifestyle and therefore owners of anything Nike must be athletic or as celebrities endorse Nike must be really affluent to be able to afford the products. Sleek cars such from companies such as Lamborghini or Maserati market the personal narrative of the rich, famous, and classy. As seen with the Danish Modern and current industries, products are no longer products. They are objects that explain lifestyles, people, and somehow define people. 

Work Cited: 
Hansen, Per H. "Networks, Narratives, and New Markets: The Rise and Decline of Danish 
Modern Furniture Design, 1930–1970." Business History Review Bus. Hist. Rev. 80.03 
(2006): 449-83. Web. 23 Jan 2016.


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