Friday, January 8, 2016

Week 2- Reading Response to France by Ogee Erana

Week 2- Reading Response to France
France achieved national aesthetics, in my opinion, not only by nationalizing and conforming their economy but their people as well. Patriotism in the form of unification is especially effective in raising morale and cooperation throughout the classes and generations. Mass change would not have been able to happen without majority agreement and mutual understanding that the country of France could rise in status. That status apparently went hand in hand with exclusivity of product being imported and exported out of the country. By choosing and establishing a standard for quality, they not only created this status quo for themselves; they enabled this sort of branding that allowed other countries to see France’s products elitist status markers.
                   As history can tell, up until the present France’s strategy is working very well. France, especially Paris, is seen as one of the capitals and leaders of high fashion, culinary arts, champagne, and tourism. I think the key to that is the economic strategy of making product exclusive and thus being able to charge higher prices. Also tied to the exclusivity would be the national pride that unifies a country. National pride seems to be ties to the economic status that comes with what the country can bring into the world.
Would you agree that nationalism is tied to the capitalism that drives certain countries?
Works Cited:
Whiteman, Jeremy J. "Trade and the Regeneration of France, 1789–91: Liberalism,
                   Protectionism and the Commercial Policy of the National Constituent
                   Assembly." European History Quarterly 31.2 (2001): 171-204. UNIV CALIFORNIA

                   DAVIS . Web. 25 Dec. 2015.

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