Friday, January 22, 2016

Tosha Hanford Week 4

Tosha Hanford
Professor Valverde
ASA 189
Week 4

When one thinks of Jamaica, thoughts of beautiful beaches, and having "no worry" immediately come to mind. Since 2013, "JAMAICA-Get it Right," has been the Jamaican campaign, one the tourist authorities of Jamaica believe demonstrates that "Jamaica is more than a just a holiday destination, it's a feeling; it's an experience. ... Jamaica is where people come to find positivity, a force making the world feel more all right through its rhythm, energy and spirit. Capturing that essence and bringing it to life is what comes through in our new brand and campaign identity." (Jamaica Observer, 2013.)
Interestingly, this laid back and "paradise perception" wasn't necessarily generated singularly for or by Jamaica-it is something the Caribbean Islands has been thoroughly identified with. The image of Jamaica was manufactured by outside countries and people as based on their perception of the Caribbean islands. Thus in some ways, Jamaica has a "borrowed identity" versus their defining and creating their own. While this is true to some extent of any county, it seems very apparent in the Jamaican national identity. Branding Jamaica and making sure it is identified by this perception has been important in the biggest industry they have-tourism.
Additionally, the perpetuation of Jamaica has been the endorsement by the Jamaican government. One example of this is the Volkswagen car commercial  in which a Caucasian man spoke with a Jamaican accent and personified the idea of "laid back" Jamaica through his words and body language. Some people found this to be racist and wholly disrespectful. The Jamaican government found it to be a good thing. They were happy that a successful european company has used Jamaica as part of its advertisement and agreed that it was an accurate description of what Jamaica and it's culture is about. Jamaica has had a variety of campaigns focusing on tourism and trying to use that laid back image as a way to generate interest in the country and promote its tourism industry. Currently, Jamaica is still facilitating its 'JAMAICA-Get it Right' campaign. As per the readings regarding Denmark, Denmark went from reliance on its agricultural industry to its international trade, emphasizing its furniture manufacture. Similar to Jamaica, Denmark relied on the people and countries outside of Denmark and their perceptions of Denmark, etc... As a way to generate interest and stimulate economical growth.

Sources cited:

Brand Jamaica: Beyond sun, sand and sea. (n.d.). Retrieved January 22, 2016, from

Restore social order. (2016). Retrieved January 22, 2016, from

Barrington Watson - Out of Many, One People (1962)

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