Sunday, October 1, 2017

Week 1 - Jaselle Abuda

Jaselle Abuda
Professor Valverde
ASA 189F
1 October 2017

Week 1: What are the pitfall(s) of National Branding for the country (contemplating) applying it?

National Branding can help a country be known globally through via social media, but it has everlasting side effects that may affect the country itself. Some may argue that National Branding can help a country both economically, but branding a country for the benefit of being known has its setbacks. Being known globally for certain products may give away some uncalled stereotypes that may negatively affect the country. These everlasting stereotypes may place unethical and unreasonable first impressions of the said country, which may then catalyze the stereotypes that were made from National Branding.

            In the video I have shared, it shows various aspects of South Korea that may spike a tourists’ interest into visiting South Korea. The title of the video also supports the question first asked at the beginning of the video. In National Branding, there are certain words and phrases that can be correlated to a branded country, which in this case is South Korea. Such aspects of branding may touch upon music, culture, food, and beautiful sites that is intended for major tourist’s spots. The video connects to the audience by making it social media friendly as to relate to the growing culture of media sharing. Technology contributes the most in National Branding, which then helps the country to be known worldwide. This allows a great access to the very corners of the earth that has access to the internet.

Question: Are there effective ways of moving away from stereotypically branding a nation for the benefit of production mass and being globally known?

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