Saturday, February 13, 2016

Kevin Lee- Week 7 Blog Post

            As most people know, the U.S. offers higher education to those who pursue it. However, the same cannot be said to those residing in Vietnam. Those residing in Vietnam have a harder time pursing higher education, usually anything above high school, sometimes even above middle school. In George Nguyen and Anna Shillabeer’s “Issues in Transnational Higher Education Regulation in Vietnam,” Nguyen and Shillabeer talk about the difficulties Vietnam face to receive higher education from foreign countries. Countries invest in higher education because they want students to be able to gain the knowledge needed for the real world, such as the workforce. By doing so, these countries are able to take part in the global market, and by opening up their doors, they are also able to connect with other countries to help build their education by using some of the education system of foreign countries as reference for their own. However, Vietnam is not able to take part in transnational education exchange because they have problems with regulation their international education industries. According to the article, Vietnam is not able to receive overseas education because the government has too many regulations and rules that prevent oversea countries from providing their services. The students of Vietnam are the ones who are suffering from these regulations because they are unable to go out to the world without the proper knowledge and education. The Vietnamese government should start considering the sake of its people because the people make up the nation and are what keep the nation moving forward. If the people are unable to go into the workforce and help provide for their country, then the country will not be able to keep up with the rest of the world, and the fault would be put on the government, which is the case for Vietnam. Southeast Asians have the lowest graduation rate; therefore, the Vietnamese government is contributing to the low graduation rate by preventing its students from receiving higher education. The Vietnamese should reform their regulations so that overseas providers will be able to help Vietnam grow economically and as a nation.

Question: Question: In what way can the Vietnamese government change their regulations so that Vietnam can receive help from overseas providers? Will Vietnam be able to provide higher education in the near future if the government decides to change their regulations?

Work Cited:
Nguyen, G., & Shillabeer, A. “Issues in Transnational Higher Education Regulation in Vietnam”.
Issues in Transnational Higher Education Regulation in Vietnam. Web. 13 Feb. 2016

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