Saturday, February 13, 2016

Week 7: Leslie Do

Leslie Do
ASA 189F, Dr .Valverde
13th February 2016

Transnational Higher Education Governmental Regulation Reform as a Means to Develop Viet Nam’s National Aesthetic 

By attending transnational higher education institutes in Viet Nam, Vietnamese students can obtain foreign degrees in their country to gain socioeconomic advantages and become top-notch competitors in the international job market. For example, Vietnamese students can acquire English language skills and become multilingual by attending TNE institutions; after all, one of Viet Nam’s national resource comes from training Vietnamese students to become multilingual and multi-culturally competent so that these students can strengthen Viet Nam's multilateral relationships with other countries (Nguyen & Shillabeer, 2013, 638.) However, there are many problems with the Vietnamese government's quality control of  TNE insitutes that must be resolved in order for Vietnam to rectify its potential national image of sustainability (Nguyen & Shillabeer, 2013, 640). For example, the cancellations and discontinuations of TNE institutions due to the Vietnamese government's violations of Western cooperation disrupt Vietnamese graduate students’ education. In turn, these violations prevents Vietnamese students from acquiring the professional skills needed to compete in the global job market. Additionally, the “lack of synchronization of legal documents, obsolete and slow innovation of management and procedures” lead to TNE infringements of Viet Nam's government (642.) More specifically, these infringements are the Ministry of Education and Training's responsibility and state management agencies’ responsibility. TNE governmental regulatory issues demand future reforms of the TNE governmental support system in Viet Nam (Nguyen & Shillabeer, 2013, 642.)

As a potential solution to Viet Nam’s transnational higher education issues, the next stage of transnational relationships between the Viet Kieu and Viet Nam could include the Viet Kieu’s contributions to TNE reform in Viet Nam. Therefore, how can the Viet Kieu in the US help resolve Viet Nam’s transnational higher education problems? Additionally, how can anti-communist, Vietnamese American groups hinder the Viet Kieu’s contributions to Viet Nam's transnational higher education reform (Valverde, 2012, 12--19)? How can the Viet Kieu’s contributions to Viet Nam’s TNE reforms (and improvements of the Vietnamese government's regulatory system of TNE institutions) expedite the development of Viet Nam’s national aesthetic of sustainability and institutional standardization of sustainability in the next ten years?

How will Viet Nam rebrand itself as the nation of sustainability and sustainable nation-state development? How will Viet Nam's national image of sustainability distinguish itself from other countries' national image of sustainability? 

Nguyen, George, and Anna Shillabeer. "Issues in Transnational Higher Education Regulation in Vietnam." Proceedings of the International Conference on Managing the Asian Century (2013): 637-44. Web. 13 Feb. 2016.

Valverde, Kieu-Linh Caroline. "Transnationalizing Viet Nam." Introduction.Transnationalizing Viet Nam: Community, Culture, and Politics in the Diaspora. Philadelphia: Temple UP, 2012. 12-19. Print.

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