Saturday, February 20, 2016

Vietnam II - Legacy

Agent Orange is a short-hand moniker, almost a euphemism, for the herbicide chemical created by Monsanto and Dow Chemicals during the war. Intended to clear foliage, this chemical has seeped into Vietnamese soils and lives for decades in a tragic way. For half a century, the people of Vietnam have reported the devastating effects that Agent Orange has wreaked upon this country. For half a century, the United States have evaded responsibility of the effects of Agent Orange. Today, the Vietnamese Red Cross estimates a shocking figure of 1 million Vietnamese affected, and of that number 150,000 are children. The lasting detrimental effects of the war have broken families' lives for generations upon generations. However, no longer can the legacy of Vietnam be tainted by Agent Orange. Vietnam is a strong nation, shown by the scars that run deep within its land and people. Their legacy is not judged by the ravage produced by another country, but instead by the resilience of their people to regroup and recover.

How can we gain more ground to work for the support of those affected by Agent Orange?

Cohn, Marjorie. "Agent Orange: Terrible Legacy of the Vietnam War." Huffington Post 1 May 2015. Web. 20 Feb. 2016.


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