Sunday, February 10, 2019

Week 6 - Yufei Liu

This image is the most “western way” of describing China that I have ever seen. When other countries, especially the United States, talk about Chinese politics, one thing being brought up over and over again is the Communist one-party system with its restrictions on human rights, specifically freedom of speech. However, as a Chinese citizen, I could say that  none of those perceptions made by other countries matters. I am just as free as any American citizen. And one-party system isn’t always that bad, at least citizens are not segregated by two different political views. “Then what about not being able to vote?” Of course I’m okay with not having to vote for a president. Have we not seen a great example of people’s smart choice, president Donald Trump? In a country as big as China, not everyone has the same education level, and not everyone can make the smartest decision either. In my defense, why not let the government and people’s representatives choose what is the best for our country?
There are many severe problems with China though, such as pollution, food safety, transparency, credibility, consumer consciousness… No country is ever perfect. There is major pollution in the United States; food safety is an issue across Asia, transparency and credibility of a government is not promised in any country; consumer consciousness has a deeper root with influence around the world. However, often times China is put to the spotlight for critiques around the world. Just like the article Media, the Olympics and the Search for the “Real China” written by Kevin Latham describes, no one cares about the eagerness of China trying to prove what we are really about, our growth, our economy and new technology, all they see is air pollution, fakeness, and government control. It’s kind of heartbreaking to see my country going through such tremendous development after world war 2 is still being misunderstood.

Brahma, Chellaney. (2012, June 1). China’s Political Storm. The Australian.
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