Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Week 7 - Diane Tran

I find it very interesting to read about Botswana because I rarely hear about this country at all. Botswana was one of the poorer countries, but its economy has become one of the most successful in the world. Its growth was developed because of the minerals such as diamonds. In "Botswana's Success: Good Governance, Good Policies, and Good Luck" by Michael Lewin, " Botswana has maintained a parliamentary democracy since independence" (Lewin, 5). Due to this, the government of Botswana focuses on the transparency of the people and the respect for private property. Furthermore, the foundation that was built led to better and improved systems in the government. In addition to the article, "Poverty or riches who benefits from the booming tourism industry in Botswana" by Joseph Mbaiwa depicts that, "the rich wildlife resources and scenic beauty" is an attraction that appeals to people. Moreover, interests attract tourists making it a key destination. This allows investors to pilot into Botswana's industry, the repatriation of tourism revenue, and lower salaries for workers. It fails to contribute to rural development. Tourism allows for the promotion of inclusive and beneficial policies to allow this attraction to become more sustainable.

Image result for botswana

Relating these articles to our startup project, Botswana uses its resources to actually allow for their country to develop into this fast pace growing country. In addition, Botswana has a government that is looking for its best interest for the country without any disputes. For my startup, I want to promote something that will catch the attention of the people whether its diamonds, wildlife, or scenery, and develop forward a plan to renationalize my country.

Lewin, Michael. Botswana’s Success: Good Governance, Good Policies, and Good Luck. Accessed 15 Feb. 2019.
“Luxury African Safaris,South America & South Asia Tours|AndBeyond.” Luxury African SafarisSouth America South Asia ToursandBeyond, www.andbeyond.com/advice/africa/botswana/what-should-i-expect-on-a-botswana-safari/.

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