Saturday, February 25, 2017

Week 8 - Maegan Enverga

Similar to the case of Costa Rica between the 1970's and 2000's in that the country is known for its "natural paradise," as suggested by "Entrepreneurs and the Co-Creation of Ecotouism in Costa Rica" by Geoffrey Jones and Andrew Spadafora, the Philippines has many islands with beautiful locations. The locations, however, are not well known; thus, the most valuable component of in our research about our app for the Philippines is the natural beauty and adventures the country can offer to tourists. Through our app, locals can also share their hospitality to tourists by becoming tour guides and showing them around the Philippines. Our product would best be branded with the slogan that the Philippines is already trying to promote, "It's more fun in the Philippines!" The Philippines offers many activities that immerse people in the natural landscapes such as the beaches, rainforests, and waterfalls. Allowing tourists to connect with tour guides who can confirm that "It's more fun in the Philippines" through the adventures the guides can take visitors on. Our app for the Philippines also addresses the issue that Jones and Spadafora noted in their article about small businesses making an impact on the ecotourism in Costa Rica. The app will include advertisements from small local businesses in the Philippines that will show their importance on ecotourism. To achieve maximum "national aesthetics" status, Costa Rica can incorporate an app or business that will show how small businesses help the natural beauty and ecotourism.
Question: What led to Costa Rica's decline in national aesthetics as an ecotourist destination?

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