Saturday, February 11, 2017

Week 6 - Angela Nguyen

In Branding a Rising China: An Analysis of Beijing’s National Image Management in the Age of China’s Rise, Sheng Ding draws attention to how China is battling in managing a favourable national image more recently than ever amongst other countries in the world. While the country appears to be a rising power and is very strong, it has been facing many incidents where its image can be seen as on the brink of a decline. Most of the time, its reputation struggles are related to the country’s political credibility. Due to the China’s communist regime and its rising economy, China is causing a threat to international security because other countries see it as the dominant country in multiple aspects. In order to maintain a good national image, China’s government plays a very strong role to construct and ensure a good image for the country. I believe that high government intervention really helps to strengthen what a country is viewed as in the eyes of others especially when the regime type is Communistic. 

For my group’s project, we have highly considered working with the government to seek for most of our funding and assistance. We created an educational-related company and believe that our startup could help to boost China’s national image through what it offers. Based on my group’s understanding and research, we believe that governmental funding will be the most beneficial. But in order to get governmental funding, we would have to offer the government benefits from supporting our startup. Due to my group’s dependency on government support and intervention, we do not see many potential costs for our start up except for possibly the initial fees to get the government to help us.

More than ever, it is important to build a national image in order for countries to grow domestically and externally. Countries need diplomatic ties and to be favoured by other countries because inter-country relations foster economic growth. Since there has been a wide discussion on how countries build up their image mainly with government support, could countries still be successful without strong governmental intervention?

Work Cited:
Ding, Sheng. "Branding a Rising China: An Analysis of Beijing's National Image Management in the Age of China's Rise." Journal of Asian and African Studies 46.3 (2011): 293-305. Web. 9 Feb. 2017. <>

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