Saturday, February 18, 2017

Week 7 - Maegan Enverga

From "Poverty or riches: who benefits from the tourism industry in Botswana?" by Joseph E. Mbaiwa, one reaches out to national decision-makers or governance groups of the country of his or her startup by making a sales pitch that his or her enterprise entails more benefits than costs once set in motion. This sales pitch must first be tested on a small scale. Using our app for the Philippines, for example, we will test to ensure that one city known for its tourism industry will achieve our goals to improve the economy locally by providing employment opportunities, as well as improve the access of tour guides to tourists. While reaching such goals, we hope to show tourists of the Philippines the same level of natural beauty that Botswana achieved through their tourism industry. Once our goals are reached, we plan to make the sales pitch of our app from one local government to multiple local governments, and eventually to the national government of the Philippines. Working from local to national will instill a strong foundation not only with the tourists, but also with the people of the Philippines across all economic, social, and other divisions of class.
Question: What is a faster way to reach out to power-holders without leading them to immediately reject an enterprise?

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