Saturday, February 11, 2017

Week 6-Linda Nguyen

     China remade itself by its national image management. China’s national image benefits from its strong commitment to cultural diplomacy, and effective employment of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in international broadcasting. However, China’s weakness in national image management if of its weak political creditability and various mistakes in its foreign policies (Ding, 293). Beijing implemented its cultural diplomacy through cultural initiatives (e.g., student exchange program) and organizing numerous cultural events in other countries (Ding, 298-299). China’s national image management is important and in terms of internet, China utilized the internet to promotes its views favorably (Ding, 300). China’s weakness in terms of national image management included problematic political credibility and its related governance issues. For example, widespread corruption, social injustice, environmental degradation and (China’s) reticent to pursue real political reform (Ding, 302). What China can do to achieve maximum “national aesthetics” status would be China’s approach to talking about politics and address the issues which will contribute positively to China’s international brand. If China listens to their people and follows through with issues that matters and are of concern to the people, then we will see a great outcome for China’s status. In addition, China should invest in and promote in checking environmental degradation and poor labor standards in the global south because Chinese companies have no knowledge of green policies and union movements at home.

     Our startup social media campaign intends to support the rebranding of Bhutan as a culturally rich and eco-friendly nation. Our campaign does not require funding. The campaign will be on social media such as a website, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram (with a #HikestoHappiness) to allow the user to set up for free. We can help promote Bhutan in this way that will open the door for others/foreigners into the country of Bhutan to explore and discover Bhutan’s beautiful cultural hikes and journeys. In the future, (eventually) we would like to get the government, industries, and the Bhutanese people involved in our company would be helpful in expanding Bhutan tourism sectors. Our group was thinking of creating a resourceful media campaign that captures the country of Bhutan. Individuals can make a generous donation for the media campaign cause (if they like) and the profits we make will be donated to charities to work on projects towards helping Bhutan’s infrastructure, school, and much more. China promotes peaceful and responsible great power and manages a favorable national image in the long run. Similarly, Bhutan promotes peace and harmony in lifestyle and in its rich culture as well as cultural identity through accessibility (in terms of tourism). Furthermore, Bhutan’s idea of using happiness was to be measured by Bhutanese people’s sense good governance and a sense of cultural and national belonging. This in turn also manage a favorable national image of Bhutan.

Question: Why cannot the U.S. government focus on gross national happiness like Bhutan?



Ding, Sheng (2011). Branding a Rising China: An Analysis of Beijing’s National Image Management in the Age of China’s Rise. Journal of Asian and African Studies, 46(3), pp 293-306. doi: 10.1177/0021909611405830
Kevin Latham (2009). Media, the Olympics and the Search for the “Real China”. The China Quarterly, 197, pp 25-43 doi:10.1017/S0305741009000022

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