Saturday, February 18, 2017

week 7-Anya Reames

(Luxury Botswana safari)

One who is attempting to have their startup funded amd approved can reach out to national decision-makers or governance groups of the country in many different ways. It is often thought that our countty is equal and if all were to submit their ideas in paper format to governmemt officials, funderd, and decision-makers one would expect that the best proposals would be the omes to become approved. However, that isn't always the case. Firstly, paperwork is overflowing in the United States often are skimmed at best. Rarely does an official look in depth in many matters. In this matter one can only know by experience of submitting a proposal. However, to merely submit amd sit back waiting for results is not enough. One must take actions into their own hands via networking to find opportunities to gain government support on their endeavour. This is the plan hat was havetto have our plan approved. We will speak with key members of the government and pitch our proposal constantly. What this will do is it will increase our support and if our request is denied or delayed we may find ourselves with support of someone who may counter the denial or delay.

Botswana is one country, that with government support, has been able to use government-supported industry to increase its economic standings. The support and efficiency of the government is crucial in increasing a country's standing, image, amd well. BZotswana was found to be rich in resources that attracted international customers. With this Botswana sas able to push itself into having upper middle class standing. However, mirroring history, the country of Botswana was found tp have disparity amongst its people withthe rich holding much of the wealth while the poor having very little. This is very typical in a country who has had a sudden increase im wealth due to resources. This pattern can be seen in all developed countries when they were developing and had just found resources. It takes time for matters to even out and a strong government pushfor equality. If the government doesn't take action to even out income what historically tends to happen is that those who
ive in poverty become fed up and riot or overthrow the government. Take for example the Monarchy of France who lived in spendor and riches while the impoverished suffered. Eventually there was an uprising to overthrow the monarchy.

Question: How can governments have better long-term vision in concerning the economic inequality of its people?

Source: Lewin, Michael. “Botswana’s Success: Good Governance, Good Policies, and Good Luck.” Chapter 4, 81-90.


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