Saturday, February 4, 2017

Week 5 - Angela Oh

The most crucial component of making a product successful is the branding. In the words of French sociologist Jean Baudrillard, "the object is nothing". Promoting the product both domestically and abroad entails assigning a certain meaning to the product's brand. "Danish Modern", for example, refers to Danish modern furniture and its commercial success in Denmark and the United States. It is not that the furniture simply innately beautiful and pleasing aesthetically; rather, its success can be mainly attributed to the creation of certain, specific narratives and the development of social networks that embraced and legitimized these narratives. The concept of Danish Design was expanded upon by subsequent furniture makers. Not only did they brand and market the furniture well, but their branding also allowed for individuals of certain social networks to support and further the success.
Additionally, successful internationalization of the product would entail increasing involvement within the foreign countries of interest and implementing a successive establishment of operations in those countries. Establishing these two factors allows for more room for competition, as there are more options for cheap outsourcing of labor.

What are some products that exemplify this strategy of strong, permeating branding while having little to brag about in design or functionality?

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